
my favorite characters from Of Human Bondage!

I learned about ‘Of Human Bondage’ in the seminar. And it turned into one of my favorite story. My favorite part of this story is the girl called Mildred keeps hurting the main character Philip. She was skinny and not that beautiful, but for some reason Philip was crazy about her. Even though she wasn’t his type at all, why was he so crazy about her?

When Philip saw her first time, it was at the café. At the first moment, he did not like her at all, since she did not even smile at him whatever he does, he started to want to make her smile. Then he finally asked her out, she didn’t smile, but she said ok. It was his first date that he asked for. He described how he felt right after the date: When he lay in bed he seemed still to see her sitting in the corner of the railway carriage, with the white crochet shawl over her head. He did not know how he was to get through the hours that must pass before his eyes rested on her again. He thought drowsily of her thin face, with its delicate features, and the greenish pallor of her skin. He was not happy with her, but he was unhappy away from her, he wanted to sit by her side and look at her, he wanted to touch her, he wanted… the thought came to him and he did not finish it, suddenly he grew wide awake… he wanted to kiss the thin, pale mouth with its narrow lips. The truth came to him at last. He was in love with her. It was incredible.

Since then, Philip went crazy about her. He did whatever it takes to make her smile or happy. But she hurt him in several ways. She slept with someone while she was dating him. She told him that she is pregnant and left. It ripped his heart off. But after a while, she came back to him without money, Philip just throw everything away just for her and he did everything to help her out.then she suddenly said she is in love with one of his best friend. Then she left him again. But Philip wasn’t mad at her at all, he was just mad at his friend even though he was not that interested in her. And he still kept loving her. Why did Mildred came back to Philip so many times? She actually knew how much he loves her and he does whatever she wants him to do. But she could never love him the way he loved her. But little by little surely she started to like him as a person not a man. She felt really comfortable with him because he was always nice and treated her like a queen. But until she dies, she never loved him as a man. She hurt him so many times in this story, but I think she is really animal like. She was just comfortable with him that’s why she came back to him so many times when she got hurt. Because she knew he will be happy to help her out. He was like family to her at the end. But she wanted to him to stay with her, so she starts to lie that she loves him and use the child. She often make sure that if he still loves her like he used to like:‘D’ you know that you haven’t kissed me once since I came here?’ She said suddenly.‘I supporse [sic] you don’t care for me in that way anymore?’ ‘I’m very fond of you.’‘You’re much fonder of baby.’

He did not answer. And she laid her cheek against his hand. ‘You’re not angry with me anymore?’ She asked presently, with her eyes cast down.‘Why on the earth should I be?’‘I’ve never cared for you as I do now. It’s only since I passed through the fire that I learnt to love you.’

By then Mildred couldn't live without him not the way Philip wanted. She often used the word love and tried to stay with him, unfortunately, she died of HIV at the hospital Philip used to work. After so many betrayal from her, Philip still cared about her, but after her death he could finally moved on from her.

Mildred was one of my favorite character so it was pretty shocking how she died, but this story has the happy ending which made me happy and I know this couldn’t have a happy ending without her death so it is ok I guess.

At the end of this story he end up with getting marry with the girl called Sally who is the daughter of his great friend Athelny. When he met her first time, she was only 15 and of course he did not she her in that way. He shared everything with Athelny family, even though when he lost all of his money, they helped him out. When he went out with them for the country side, he realized she is not a girl anymore. When she bent over and showed him how best to deal with a whole line their hands met. He was surprised to see her blush. He had known her as a flapper, he could not help looking upon her as a child still; yet the number of her admirers showed that she was a child no longer; and though already attractive that she had to endure a lot of chaffing. He realize that she is a beautiful woman not a 15 years old girl anymore. Then they started dating. When she told him she could be pregnant, he was so happy and he could think of the happy future with her which he couldn’t think with the others. That was the trigger of marriage of them. I think this story is about human relationships and love. I read it in Japanese most of the part. So after the exam, I would like to read all of the part in English!

[1030 words]

Speech of introduction

Introduction is to introduce someone to a group of people, have the group recognize and accept a new member, or bring some new knowledge, skill, and insights into the group, which are beneficial to the group. you are gonna need to pay attention to the nature of the occasion: formal or informal. also you need to pay attention to your familiarity with the speaker. remember that you are only paving a way for the speaker to be accepted by group easily. and remember you only need to provide information about the speaker necessary for the group members to be motivated to listen to the speaker's talk.

Tribute is the gift, payment and declaration or the other acknowledgment of gratitude. Speech of tribute is a speech to acknowledge the achievement of a person or group. The speaker mentions the greatness of one’s personal characters, intelligence, personal or organizational achievements and progresses. Thus the speaker expresses his/her gratitude , respect. There are some kind of tributes. One of them is farewell. It is to express gratitude , respect and admiration to someone or some group when he/she or the group leaves the position or community life and goes somewhere else. Dedication is one of them too. It is to pxpress gratitude, respect and admiration to someone who has decreased. You need to stress dominant traits and mention only outstanding achievements or give special emphasis to the influence of the person or group.

Speech to inform is to provide information to someone’s audience in the form that is easy to understand and effective to retain in memory. Definitional speech is to explain the concept or process of the certain thing such as a concept of public speaking. It could be sushi or anything.

[269 words]

How to make a good impression!

How to make a good impression of yourself

Are you good at making friends? Do you have great relationships with people from work or school? Making good impression is the first step to have a great relationship with people. Having great relationship with people makes your life fruitful. If you know the way to make a good impression of yourself, It will probably help you with a lot of situation in your life, such as getting a job or finding boyfriend or girlfriend… I was not really good at making friends when I was in high school until I studied abroad. I learned a lot of way to be socialized from American people. Also, I have a contract job that selling the products to some customers, I have taken some special courses just for making good impression. It really helped me for a lot of situation. So today, I would like to give you some tips for making good impression.

First, the most important thing is facial expression. When you see someone for the first time, you would probably see some parts of the person’s face. So it means your facial expression is the real first impression of you. What kind of facial expression do you think you need to make? Probably most of you would think that you should smile to make a good impression. Well, actually not necessarily. Probably for 90% of the situations, it is ok to smile to make a good impression. That’s because of 90% of the situation you see someone for first time, its natural and not rude to smile. But for some situations, you cannot smile. Like for serious meetings or when the person is really angry or upset or not in good mood. Since you all are Japanese, probably you are good at sense the situation. As soon as you sense that, you are going to need to make a serious look. But this is the rare case. For most of the time, you just need to smile and greet nicely. But good smile is really hard to make. Because if you smile too much, it will make you look weird. It the smile is too fake, you will look fake too. Probably sending a half smile is the best. You can be friendly, but not too casual. Do not forget to look into the person’s eyes. But not too much. Also you should not get too close or be touchy to the person especially for Japanese persons.

Next, you need to listen to the person well. It would be rude if the person asks you about the subject the person had already talked about and you can’t answer. You need to listen carefully and make rough guesses for the next thing the person is going to say. I have an experience when I met my host family in Germany, they were talking to me about their house, since it was right after the long flight from Japan, I was really tired. And also they had really strong accent so I needed to concentrate to understand what they were saying. So I was just smiling and saying ‘yes’ to make good impression. Then they stopped smiling and said ‘Yuki, this is not funny’. They were actually talking about the neighbor’s dog were run over by a car. It was such an awkward moment. As you can see through my awkward experience ever, you really need to know what the person is talking about ‘just smiling’ will not work most of the time. It does not mean you need to be a ‘Yes person’ who says ‘yes’ for everything just to make a good impression. You can say ‘No’ or ‘I don’t think so’, but you need to be clear why would you say that. If you are reasonable enough, the person would not feel bad about you saying no. The way you say it is important too. Do not say ‘you are wrong’ even when the person is wrong about something. It could make a better impression by not always saying yes if your opinion is reasonable enough.

Sensing the situation is pretty important too. You can’t just keep talking or stay quiet. It could make the person feel awkward or strange. Also, you need to see if the person wants to talk more or not. If not, you need to make an excuse to leave which would not make the person awkward. Usually you do not really have to talk for so long when you see someone for first time.

These are the some of the tips to make good impression I wanted to tell you today. These techniques helped me in a lot of situations. Now I am not afraid of talking to people that makes me positive about everything. You can even feel better about yourself. I hope these techniques can help you in some situation like they did to me. Especially if you are doing job hunting or looking for boyfriend or girlfriend, please give it try!

[839 words]


last week, jeff texted me to inform me that he is leaving in a month. jeff stayed my house when he just arrived in Japan through KGU international office. i sometimes invited him for dinner and hang out. when i got that text from jeff, i remembered that jeff has always said he wanted to try the 3333 stairs in Misato-chou. i did not really want to try it, but i had also got a text from dan, saids wants to hang out, we decided to challenge on the stairs.
when i searched fot the address of the place, i saw some blogs which say that it took more than 2 hours and some of them gave up on the middle of the stair. these blogs made me did not want to go to the stair anymore. but it was too late.
on friday, i went to pick yui up first then i went to the dorm to pick the other up. the members were Yumie, Yui, Kendall, Jeff, Dan. i thought it would take about 30 minites to get there, but actually it took more than an hour to get there.
when we got there, one guy talked to us said stairs might be frozen, if so we need to give up. when we started to climb up, i already got fed up after 300 stairs. first 1000 stairs were the hell. but Dan cheered me up and i got to the top somehow. i thought getting down would be easier, but actually getting down was the worst part. especially after getting up 3000 stairs. i also needed to drive back home. when we were about to get fedding up, we had an idea of going yakiniku aftarwards. that gave us power. when we were done with the stairs, my legs were dead and i was so hungry. then i drove to the yakiniku place and had awesome tabehoudai! it was so good, yui and i had 3 wakame soup! it was pretty tough to drive back to the city. then i drove boys to the city and drop them off. then took Yui to the station and Yumie to her boy friend's house.
on the next day, i needed to work at the yamada bring 9kg printers for 9 hours. had really bad muscle pain every part of my body. i still do have the pain... i am not going to try it again, but i had such a nice time with my friends!

[416 words]

review for Heroes!

Heroes’ is one of my favorite American drama series. The drama is about people who suddenly realize they have superpowers, and try to save the world. It sounds like a typical hero story, but this drama is not that simple. Every character has their role or purpose, and some try to rattle the world, while the others try to stop them. Every episode has big changes, such as the bad guy turns into a hero in one episode. So you can’t miss any episodes you want to follow the story. It makes ‘Heroes’ so addictive.

Characters in this drama are really random. You see them flying, self-replicating, prognosticating, transporting through time and space… most of them are the things you have imagined when you were a child. They aroused my curiosity. There are a lot of dramas with superpowers, but one of the different points of this drama from the others is there are many ‘heroes’ with superpower in this drama. Even if you don’t like one character, you can still find your favorite one. But since there are so many characters with so many superpowers, it is really hard to follow the story. It confuses me especially when characters keep time traveling with the other characters. But it is fun to watch and think at the same time. When you can figure the connection of the past and future, you will be fully satisfied.

My favorite character is Peter. Peter is the one of the main character in this drama. He is the first one to realize his superpower. When he fell off from a high building, he accidentally realized that he could fly. After that he tries to save the world with his power without knowing what is behind…! Also, I like Hiro Nakamura, the only Japanese character in this drama. He is also one of the main characters. He can time travel to anywhere when he concentrates. He often goes back to Japan with the power, it is really interesting to see Japan from American side. Also I found that every Japanese character speaks really bad English from the beginning. But they get better and better as they time traveled more.

‘Heroes’ is not just a superpower drama. It also gives a picture of human relationships as well. Such as the relationship between a man with a superpower and his family. Some of the ‘heroes’ struggle with their power. It gives the drama reality. Since this drama is called ‘heroes’, there are a lot of action scenes, but also this is the human drama beyond the struggle to survive and escape.

[434 words]


watchinig 'The nanny diaries'

I found many commons between ‘the nanny diaries’ and a movie ‘Mary Poppins’. Annie is a Nanny, Mery Poppins takes care of kids too. And they both fly with umbrella. Grayer and Annie talk about the longest word, Mary Poppins sings with really longword ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’. But heroine of this movie is just a white woman who graduated college. I found it interesting that She could be employed at huge company and marry rich man, might be like Ms. X. There are many points of criticize American celebrity and rich people, such as the wife with blonde hair, the husband has a mistress. You can see criticize often through Grayer too. His parents cares about themselves more than him, they change his nanny many times for little things. When Annie started to taking care of him, he was being difficult. Because he was lonely. But time goes by, he started to trust and love her. When Annie left him, he cried and run after her. The scene shows you how much kids want their parents to care about them, and most of rich celebrity did not. This story also tells you how valuable to spend time with your family. And also says sometimes you need to take time to mirror yourself.

[220 words]


from translating class!

-Good evening everyone.
Today we have a friendship delegation from Carol university, sister school of our university in America.

-Now, we’d like to begin the welcome party welcoming the friendship delegation from Carol University.
I am ●● from the 3rd year of English depertment of Kumamoto Gakuen University.

-Now, we would like to have a greeting from the president of Kumamoto Gakuen University, Professor ●● to open the party.

-Thank you President ●●.
Next, on behalf of the friendship delegation from Carol University,
We would like to have a few words from Mr. Brown, President of Carol University.

-Thank you Mr. Brown.
Next, we would like to move for a toast.
Student autonomy, Mr. ●● will propose a toast.
Ladies and gentleman, we would like to get ready for a toast, please hold a glass of your drink.
Do you all have a glass in your hand?
Now president of student autonomy, Mr. ●● if you please.

-Thank you Mr. ●●
Now I hope you will enjoy the food and getting to know each other better as long as time allows.

-Excuse me for interrupting, now in the expression of our welcome for Carol University a bouquet will be presented to Mr. Brown of Carol University and the dean of students, Mr. Evans.
Mr. Brown, Mr. Evans, please come on the stage.

-Thank you.

-Now, students of Carol university will be with their host family from Kumamoto Gakuen University.
Please rest well, and have meaningful 2 weeks of induction cource.
Thank you so much for all of you for attending the welcome party.

[258 words]

BR16: Vampire Killer

There is a guy named Colin. Colin is almost broke. and trys to find job, but there is no job. then he find the notice it says 'Do you need job? must be strong, fast and brave.' then he called the number then a guy answered. he tells Colin to come to his place. he asked Colin some questions. the the guy told him to be a Vampire Killer.
Colin was not believe in Vanpire, but alots of things happened. and he met a attractive woman named Claudia and we was also hired. once he asked her out, then she told him that she can only see him at night. one day, the guy hired him told them to go to apartment the vampire lives. at night Colin and Cloudia went to the room, then she turn to the vampire! and she tried to take him blood!!! but then the sun rised. then she escaped from the room. the next day, Colin was home all day. but he could not keep thinking about her. at the end of the story, he figured that he fell in love with her.
It was a hollor story but i also see that this could be a sad love story. Claudia will never love him back, because she is a Vampire. this story is so sad.

[221 words]

Andy Parker, (2000), Vampire Killer, Oxford: Oxford University Press

BR15: Star Reporter

Joe called his best friend Steve. he told Steve that there is a new girl in their town and she is really attractive named Marietta. Steve's father is a editor of the newspaper, the Cado Star. and he asked Steve to find something interesting for the paper, because of his reporter is ill. then he went out to find something intereting and finish some stuff he needed to do. then he saw the girl. She was really attractive as Joe said. he could not stop looking her. but he needed to find interesting things for his father.
Steve found a old newspaper. and there was a some article of the famous writer names Bud Richie. but he left the town long time ago, but people told him that he is back now. Steve thought that would be great for newspaper. so Steve visited him. while they were talking, a little got on the tree and could not get off. so Steve tried to getit down. then he fell from the tree. Steve's daughter was taking the scene, actually that was Marietta!
thats how Marietta and Steve met. a few weeks later, they are together now and the picture of Steve fell down from the tree was on the newspaper. at the first morment Marietta was not interested in Steve, but she took a picture of him. then they fell in love.I found this story romantic.

[235 words]

Erasmus John, (2000), Star Reporter, Oxford university press

BR14: King Arthur

story of the year 650 in England. I had heard of his name, King Arthur, but i did not know him well. Arthur was a nomal boy. but the king Merlin had a dream of Arthur. and he was so sure that the next king is Arthur! he was justa a boy then, but Arthur became a king. after he became a king, he often hear Merlin who is died. Merlin tought him everyday and after four years, Arthur got stronger. he met Guinevere after afew years, then he decided to marry her. he got beautiful wife and best friends, it seemed like happy ending, but it was not. Lancelot tried to take Arthur's place. while Arthur was gone, he actually did take his place. but Arthur backed and tried to take his place and his wife back. but Lancelot killed him. then his knight backed, and killed Lancelot. i am not really good at history, but it was really fun to read this story. and i want to know what happened after the kind Arthur died.

Hardy-Gould, (2001), King Arthur, Oxford University Express

[177 words]

BR13:The girl with red hair

Mark Sellers works at the security in Mason's store. His job is walking around the store and looking at the screen to check on people there. one day, he saw a girl with red hair, she was beautiful and he could not stop staring at her. he was looking for her everyday. then he saw her with a baby looks just like her. Next wednesday, he saw her again with the little boy. now he knows that she comes there every wednesday. another wednesday, Radio said someone is taking stuff away so go to the door, so he did then there was the boy and the girl with red hair. and the little boy had the airplane.
one day, he found her on the screen again, looked like she was waiting for someone. then good looking guy arrived and kissed her then picked up the little boy. Mark was so shocked.at that night, his co-worker Leon0 told him to come out at night,then they went out for a club. when he ordered drink, he saw a girl with red hair.it was the girl! then she said the boy was her sister's and he figured the good looking guy was hers too. at the end of the story the girl with red hair was looking at him with her beautiful green eyes.

[227 words]

Christine Lindop, (2009), The girl with red hair, Oxford University Press

BR12:The FIfteenth Character

Sally is a student and just started to working at Happy Hills. every morning her boss Mr.Perry puts a list of jobs for Today. the Sally's job in that day was wearing costume. she wasn't happy about that. but that day, her favorite singer came to Happy Hills. she wanted to talk to him, but she needed to work, so she couldn't. he showed the CD in front of everyone, and says 'this is the new song just recorded! please come to my big concert next saturday.' and after he had fun at the Happy Hills he shouted 'where is my CD!!!' everyone looked around, but no one could find it. then Sally looked up the list of jobs for today. then she found out there are 14 characters on the list, but there are 15 characters here! then people around her took off the 15ths character's head. that was a woman, and she had the singers CD. afew weeks later, Sally is at the singers concert and there was a special invitation in her hand.

[177 words]

Rosemary border, (2000), The Fifteenth Character, Oxford: Oxford University Press

BR11: Vampire Killer

There is a guy named Colin. Colin is almost broke. and trys to find job, but there is no job. then he find the notice it says 'Do you need job? must be strong, fast and brave.' then he called the number then a guy answered. he tells Colin to come to his place. he asked Colin some questions. the the guy told him to be a Vampire Killer.
Colin was not believe in Vanpire, but alots of things happened. and he met a attractive woman named Claudia and we was also hired. once he asked her out, then she told him that she can only see him at night. one day, the guy hired him told them to go to apartment the vampire lives. at night Colin and Cloudia went to the room, then she turn to the vampire! and she tried to take him blood!!! but then the sun rised. then she escaped from the room. the next day, Colin was home all day. but he could not keep thinking about her. at the end of the story, he figured that he fell in love with her.
It was a hollor story but i also see that this could be a sad love story. Claudia will never love him back, because she is a Vampire. this is so sad.

[221 words]

Parker Andy, (2000), Vampire Killer, Oxford: Oxford University Press