
my other classes

I take 17 classes a day, my favorite class is Japanese phonetics class. The teacher of the class is really nice and cute. And I also like how she teaches. First, she teaches new stuff with following a textbook, then she askes some questions. when we can not get the answer, she makes fun of us, because we are Japanese! I also like different culture understanding class. The teacher is really nice, we watched Rakugo in English, that was really interesting! [81 words]


Essay 1-02b: an English Website review

Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival world over, and also the most popular festival globally. christmas eve is my birthday this is one reason why i picked one. Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for coming together with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly decorated packages. Just think about Christmas, it makes me happy. thats why i picked Christmas to search. i searched for christmas, history, Santa Claus. Santa Claus is one of my favorite person.

First, i searched for SANTA CLAUS
He has 3 names; St. Nicholas, Kriss Kringle and Santa Clause. the first story of him was told by Thomas Nast in 1822. The model of Santa Claus, St.Nicolas was ill. his mother came to narse him only 2days a week. so he didn't have anything other 5days. he loved children, sometimes he gave some gift to children throw into their window.
one time, he threw golds into the chimney to help daughter out. The traditional association of chimneys with Santa Claus comes from this story.

Next i searched about Christmas gifts.
we can hardly think of a Christmas without Gifts.
Christmas is a unique festival of merry making and gift-giving.
I looked some Christmas shopping website
it was really interesting that i found the website says don't forget to buy gifts for # Family
# Friends
# Neighbors
# Co-workers
# Boss
# Mail Carrier
# Other Service People

they are pretty much everyone around you! through searching about christmas gifts, i figured in some country, christmas is a day to thank for everyone to being around.

I also looked up Christmas songs.
Christmas songs

During the holidays, people enjoy traditional songs that they do not listen to during the rest of the year. and I found history of the one of most famous christmas song in Japan.
History of “Jingle Bells”
First written by James Lord Pierpont, this popular song is different in that it does not mention Christmas, Jesus, Santa Claus or any of the other iconic figures associated with the holiday. it is just about winter fun. The lyrics and tune have changed slightly from the original version. Most people are only familiar with the first verse: the other “lost” verses deal with a young man riding his sleigh around, trying to impress the girls.

Christmas had celebrated for so long. if you look up about christmas on internet,there are so many information. and i didnt know most of them.i didn't even know one of my favorite person Santa Claus. i figured christmas isn't just a holiday to celebrate christ's birth. songs, gifts, trees, Santa Claus... many people and things made this holiday all together. it is always great to know everyone's favorite holiday christmas.

[446 words]

(1998). Christmas songs. X'mas fun. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://xmasfun.com/lyrics.asp.
(2004,10). Christmas History. The history of christmas. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.thehistoryofchristmas.com/.
History of Christmas. History of Christmas and the Symbols of Christmas. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.theholidayspot.com/christmas/index.htm.

Aoi, I did not know that Santa has 3 names either. In the us, many people eats turkey and cakes.

today's plan and some boring stuff

i am taking Writing class right now. it is kind of cold and quiet here. I am done with what i need to do today(commenting 3 friends blog). it is rainy today, so i came here by car. usually its only take 10-15mins to come here by motor bike, but if i drive, it takes like 30-40mins to get school. and i need to pay 400yen to park, ridiculous. it is only 9:35 now. my plan for today is, going home after this class, and do some works, and back to sleep then i need to come back to school to take an explanatory meeting for studying abroad at 4:30. then gonna meet to my friends and have dinner together. nothing really special. anyways, i am excited about i am going to liverpool in 4 months! I need to save up more! the picture is my sweet Cookie<3

[149 words]


BR-8:Police TV

There are police officers Sue and Dan. One day,they were on the street. because they heard someone steals money from people near the shop everyday. then they found strange jogger. he jogs the street everyday. then the jogger run into an old woman and she falls down. he told her 'i am sorry here is your bag.' then a young woman shouts at him.'its not safe that you run on this street, go away!' then the jogger run away. after the old woman look into her bag, she couldn't find her purse. so Sue catch him and try to find money from him, but she couldn't find any. then they asked shop to see the tv camera. and find out the young woman who helped the old woman took her money. and they also find out that the jogger and young woman was married. they did that for living. the story was really intersting and that was really fun to read.

[162 words]

Teague, Dylan . Police TV. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.


Essay 1-02a: an English Website review

Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival world over, and also the most popular festival globally. christmas eve is my birthday this is one reason why i picked one. Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for coming together with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly decorated packages. Just think about Christmas, it makes me happy. thats why i picked Christmas to search. i searched for christmas, history, Santa Claus. Santa Claus is one of my favorite person.

First, i searched for SANTA CLAUS
He has 3 names; St. Nicholas, Kriss Kringle and Santa Clause. the first story of him was told by Thomas Nast in 1822. The model of Santa Claus, St.Nicolas was ill. his mother came to narse him only 2days a week. so he didn't have anything other 5days. he loved children, sometimes he gave some gift to children throw into their window.
one time, he threw golds into the chimney to help daughter out. The traditional association of chimneys with Santa Claus comes from this story.

Next i searched about Christmas gifts.
we can hardly think of a Christmas without Gifts.
Christmas is a unique festival of merry making and gift-giving.
I looked some Christmas shopping website
it was really interesting that i found the website says don't forget to buy gifts for # Family
# Friends
# Neighbors
# Co-workers
# Boss
# Mail Carrier
# Other Service People

they are pretty much everyone around you! through searching about christmas gifts, i figured in some country, christmas is a day to thank for everyone to being around.

I also looked up Christmas songs.
Christmas songs

During the holidays, people enjoy traditional songs that they do not listen to during the rest of the year. and I found history of the one of most famous christmas song in Japan.
History of “Jingle Bells”
First written by James Lord Pierpont, this popular song is different in that it does not mention Christmas, Jesus, Santa Claus or any of the other iconic figures associated with the holiday. it is just about winter fun. The lyrics and tune have changed slightly from the original version. Most people are only familiar with the first verse: the other “lost” verses deal with a young man riding his sleigh around, trying to impress the girls.

Christmas had celebrated for so long. if you look up about christmas on internet,there are so many information. and i didnt know most of them.i didn't even know one of my favorite person Santa Claus. i figured christmas isn't just a holiday to celebrate christ's birth. songs, gifts, trees, Santa Claus... many people and things made this holiday all together. it is always great to know everyone's favorite holiday christmas.

[446 words]

(1998). Christmas songs. X'mas fun. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://xmasfun.com/lyrics.asp.
(2004,10). Christmas History. The history of christmas. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.thehistoryofchristmas.com/.
History of Christmas. History of Christmas and the Symbols of Christmas. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from http://www.theholidayspot.com/christmas/index.htm.

Yumie, yes I have. I love christmas for some reasons. but biggest reason is everybody seems really happy on christmas.

Ayaka, Yes, I usually get something to my family.

Nami, I did not know that either. I still kind of do believe he is exist.

Outline for Essay 1-2a: Christmas


* What sites are about; christmas
* How I found them; searched for history and Santa Claus
* Why I chose the one(s) I did:
o one of the biggest event in the world

Santa Claus

* History
* Who he is

Christmas gifts

* History
* Ideas

Other websites of interest about christmas

* List
* Features
* Sections
* Highlights


* Summary of selections
* Summary of highlights
* Recommendations to readers

[58 words]

Christmas:Website serch terms and short list

serch terms:
christmas, santa, songs, history of christmas

Short list of possible sites


Everybody love christmas. christmas is the most exciting event of the year. Every December around the 25ths, everybody start to being excited. everybody love christmas. even if you are not christian. why people love christmas so much?
one of big reason of why everybody love christmas is Santa Claus. Every children love Santa Claus. many perents say that to kids 'Santa wil bring presents for only good kids'. then children try to be good. that is big reason why perents love christmas.
the other reason is the party tradition. usually most family get back together during the christmas if you do not live with them. anytime it is great to see your family and have dinner together. Christmas is also romantic for couples. if you have girl friend or boyfriend, usually they spend time together in Japan.
 and also my birthday is also on 24ths. so it is really great to spend 24-25ths night with my family and my friends.

[162 words]



songs, cards, island, presents, snow, santa claus,cold, christmas trees, cakes, turkey, green, red, finland

[17 words]