
relaxin saturday

lately, i had an interview at the 'beer garden'. the boss seems really nice, i think they might gonna take me. but only problem is the uniform. it is a really short white dress. it was much shorter than i expected... but well, i will figure that out i am gonna take the job or not. today, i had a supplementary lecture of biology today. did not really want to come to school on saturday. but it is kinda feels great today. in the biology class, we watched a video, me and hiromi found the video interesting and the teacher told us 'you two seems like interested in the video!' haha. and now i am at the library and doing some stuff i need to finish. it feels great and i really like the view from here.

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BR-12:Star Reporter

Joe called his best friend Steve. he told Steve that there is a new girl in their town and she is really attractive named Marietta. Steve's father is a editor of the newspaper, the Cado Star. and he asked Steve to find something interesting for the paper, because of his reporter is ill. then he went out to find something intereting and finish some stuff he needed to do. then he saw the girl. She was really attractive as Joe said. he could not stop looking her. but he needed to find interesting things for his father.
Steve found a old newspaper. and there was a some article of the famous writer names Bud Richie. but he left the town long time ago, but people told him that he is back now. Steve thought that would be great for newspaper. so Steve visited him. while they were talking, a little got on the tree and could not get off. so Steve tried to getit down. then he fell from the tree. Steve's daughter was taking the scene, actually that was Marietta!
thats how Marietta and Steve met. a few weeks later, they are together now and the picture of Steve fell down from the tree was on the newspaper. at the first morment Marietta was not interested in Steve, but she took a picture of him. then they fell in love.I found this story romantic.

[235 words]

Erasmus, John. Star Reporter. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2000.

BR-11: Taxi of Terror

Jack quited his job, then he got a cellphone from his friends from where he used to work at. later night, he took a taxi and fell asleep. then suddenly a guy came into the taxi and tell the driver to go to airport. on the way to airport, the guy found Jack and put him into the boot of the taxi. he could not even move well, but he found something in his pocket. it was a cellphone he got today. then he called police. they told him to tell what he can hear. he heard a clock. then he felt lots of bumps like railway crossing. police found that out he was going to airport. finally police cought him! but they were totally forgot about Jack, so Jack called police again says 'help me!'

[136 words]

Burrows, Phillip. Taxi of Terror. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2000.


night drive with girls

i am exhausted from yesterday. yesterday i had 5 classes. i heard that Yumie and Yui were gonna sleep over at Megumu's. i'd loved to be there, but i had some stuff to do. so i decided to have dinner with them. after school, i backed home to take my car, and i went to Yayoi-ken at 7pm. there were Megumu, Yui, Yumie, IkeD and Sayano. I ordered Shougayaki-teishoku. ikeD told me that i better not to order shougayaki, but it was really tasty actually. after we left there, we went to Hanaoka mountain. on the way, we stopped by Macnald's and got some ice cream and french fries. the view from the mountain was really great. we were there for an hour and talked about many things. and IkeD wanted to go to Kinpou mountain which is the tallest mountain in Kumamoto, and we can see the best view from there. so i drove there about an hour. when we arrived there finally, it was foggily. it feels like we were in cloud. we could not see the view from there because of the fog. but it was fun driving around!

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There is a guy named Brown. Brown is a innocent man and in the prison. no one believe him that he is innocent. one day, he decided to get the prison out, He does not want to stay in the prison for 5 years. he finally got out from prison, but everybody was looking for him. he run over the mountain, and river. he slept with cows. but the farmer found him and the farmer's wives chased her. and they caught him. end of this story, he is back in prison. he is looking outside from the window. and he sees mole makihg a tunnel. and says 'I have got an idea'! I dont know what he is going to do next. but it was exciting story.

[128 words]
Burrows, Philip. Escape. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

BR-9: Vampire Killer

There is a guy named Colin. Colin is almost broke. and trys to find job, but there is no job. then he find the notice it says 'Do you need job? must be strong, fast and brave.' then he called the number then a guy answered. he tells Colin to come to his place. he asked Colin some questions. the the guy told him to be a Vampire Killer.
Colin was not believe in Vanpire, but alots of things happened. and he met a attractive woman named Claudia and we was also hired. once he asked her out, then she told him that she can only see him at night. one day, the guy hired him told them to go to apartment the vampire lives. at night Colin and Cloudia went to the room, then she turn to the vampire! and she tried to take him blood!!! but then the sun rised. then she escaped from the room. the next day, Colin was home all day. but he could not keep thinking about her. at the end of the story, he figured that he fell in love with her.
It was a hollor story but i also see that this could be a sad love story. Claudia will never love him back, because she is a Vampire. this is so sad.

[221 words]
Parker, Andy. Vampire Killer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Foreign countries

I love visiting foreign countries. I had been to America, Germany, France, Korea and the Netherlands. I loved all the countried I have visited. Most of the time I visit foreign countries, I do 'homestay' if it is possible. I have done that many times. Staying with someone is the best way to see the culture and food, and learn the languages. I can also get closer with people in the country. My favorite place I have been to is Hawaii. My dream is live in Hawaii someday.

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Robert's birthday!

Me and Yumie went out for Robert's birthday party. We needed to be the dorm 8pm, and Yumie supporsed to work till 3pm. So after Yumie finished working, I picked her up and went to find present for Robert. last time we met Robert, Robert sang us Japanese Nou soug because now he is taking Nou class. And his Nou song was pretty awesome. so I thought that we should get him a Nou CD. First, we went to Tsutaya bacause of we had some stuff to return. and tried to find Nou CD. but there weren't any. so we went to Sanpian. but we couldn't find Nou CD there either. so we went to 100yen store. then we finally found Nou CDs in there. after we got Nou CD, we figured that we still have time, so we stopped by at Toystore. I haven't be there for awhile. but actually we had so much fun there. and we found cool gift for Robert. then Yumie noticed we needed to leave otherwise we are gonna be late. so we run to Sushi place to pick up some Sushi. there were so many people waited. We ordered some Sushi then they told me to wait for about 20 mins. so we backed to my car and watched TV show. then we picked up the Sushi. after 10 mins passed 8pm, we finally got the dorm. there were many people than i expected. the party was great. I met alot of people. after the party, everybody saied they are gonna go drink afterwards. but I went there by car and Yumie needed to work 11am tomorrow. So we saied we were not gonna be there. but Robert told me that I can leave my car at the dorm. so me and Yumie decied to go to drink. we met a guy named Jun and he let us to ride. so he drove us to downtown. the party was great. we got drunk and made lots of friends. and it was kinda fun to see people dancing like crazy.
anyways we had so much fun at the party! HAPPY BIRTH DAY, ROBERT!

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