
watchinig 'The nanny diaries'

I found many commons between ‘the nanny diaries’ and a movie ‘Mary Poppins’. Annie is a Nanny, Mery Poppins takes care of kids too. And they both fly with umbrella. Grayer and Annie talk about the longest word, Mary Poppins sings with really longword ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’. But heroine of this movie is just a white woman who graduated college. I found it interesting that She could be employed at huge company and marry rich man, might be like Ms. X. There are many points of criticize American celebrity and rich people, such as the wife with blonde hair, the husband has a mistress. You can see criticize often through Grayer too. His parents cares about themselves more than him, they change his nanny many times for little things. When Annie started to taking care of him, he was being difficult. Because he was lonely. But time goes by, he started to trust and love her. When Annie left him, he cried and run after her. The scene shows you how much kids want their parents to care about them, and most of rich celebrity did not. This story also tells you how valuable to spend time with your family. And also says sometimes you need to take time to mirror yourself.

[220 words]


from translating class!

-Good evening everyone.
Today we have a friendship delegation from Carol university, sister school of our university in America.

-Now, we’d like to begin the welcome party welcoming the friendship delegation from Carol University.
I am ●● from the 3rd year of English depertment of Kumamoto Gakuen University.

-Now, we would like to have a greeting from the president of Kumamoto Gakuen University, Professor ●● to open the party.

-Thank you President ●●.
Next, on behalf of the friendship delegation from Carol University,
We would like to have a few words from Mr. Brown, President of Carol University.

-Thank you Mr. Brown.
Next, we would like to move for a toast.
Student autonomy, Mr. ●● will propose a toast.
Ladies and gentleman, we would like to get ready for a toast, please hold a glass of your drink.
Do you all have a glass in your hand?
Now president of student autonomy, Mr. ●● if you please.

-Thank you Mr. ●●
Now I hope you will enjoy the food and getting to know each other better as long as time allows.

-Excuse me for interrupting, now in the expression of our welcome for Carol University a bouquet will be presented to Mr. Brown of Carol University and the dean of students, Mr. Evans.
Mr. Brown, Mr. Evans, please come on the stage.

-Thank you.

-Now, students of Carol university will be with their host family from Kumamoto Gakuen University.
Please rest well, and have meaningful 2 weeks of induction cource.
Thank you so much for all of you for attending the welcome party.

[258 words]

BR16: Vampire Killer

There is a guy named Colin. Colin is almost broke. and trys to find job, but there is no job. then he find the notice it says 'Do you need job? must be strong, fast and brave.' then he called the number then a guy answered. he tells Colin to come to his place. he asked Colin some questions. the the guy told him to be a Vampire Killer.
Colin was not believe in Vanpire, but alots of things happened. and he met a attractive woman named Claudia and we was also hired. once he asked her out, then she told him that she can only see him at night. one day, the guy hired him told them to go to apartment the vampire lives. at night Colin and Cloudia went to the room, then she turn to the vampire! and she tried to take him blood!!! but then the sun rised. then she escaped from the room. the next day, Colin was home all day. but he could not keep thinking about her. at the end of the story, he figured that he fell in love with her.
It was a hollor story but i also see that this could be a sad love story. Claudia will never love him back, because she is a Vampire. this story is so sad.

[221 words]

Andy Parker, (2000), Vampire Killer, Oxford: Oxford University Press

BR15: Star Reporter

Joe called his best friend Steve. he told Steve that there is a new girl in their town and she is really attractive named Marietta. Steve's father is a editor of the newspaper, the Cado Star. and he asked Steve to find something interesting for the paper, because of his reporter is ill. then he went out to find something intereting and finish some stuff he needed to do. then he saw the girl. She was really attractive as Joe said. he could not stop looking her. but he needed to find interesting things for his father.
Steve found a old newspaper. and there was a some article of the famous writer names Bud Richie. but he left the town long time ago, but people told him that he is back now. Steve thought that would be great for newspaper. so Steve visited him. while they were talking, a little got on the tree and could not get off. so Steve tried to getit down. then he fell from the tree. Steve's daughter was taking the scene, actually that was Marietta!
thats how Marietta and Steve met. a few weeks later, they are together now and the picture of Steve fell down from the tree was on the newspaper. at the first morment Marietta was not interested in Steve, but she took a picture of him. then they fell in love.I found this story romantic.

[235 words]

Erasmus John, (2000), Star Reporter, Oxford university press

BR14: King Arthur

story of the year 650 in England. I had heard of his name, King Arthur, but i did not know him well. Arthur was a nomal boy. but the king Merlin had a dream of Arthur. and he was so sure that the next king is Arthur! he was justa a boy then, but Arthur became a king. after he became a king, he often hear Merlin who is died. Merlin tought him everyday and after four years, Arthur got stronger. he met Guinevere after afew years, then he decided to marry her. he got beautiful wife and best friends, it seemed like happy ending, but it was not. Lancelot tried to take Arthur's place. while Arthur was gone, he actually did take his place. but Arthur backed and tried to take his place and his wife back. but Lancelot killed him. then his knight backed, and killed Lancelot. i am not really good at history, but it was really fun to read this story. and i want to know what happened after the kind Arthur died.

Hardy-Gould, (2001), King Arthur, Oxford University Express

[177 words]

BR13:The girl with red hair

Mark Sellers works at the security in Mason's store. His job is walking around the store and looking at the screen to check on people there. one day, he saw a girl with red hair, she was beautiful and he could not stop staring at her. he was looking for her everyday. then he saw her with a baby looks just like her. Next wednesday, he saw her again with the little boy. now he knows that she comes there every wednesday. another wednesday, Radio said someone is taking stuff away so go to the door, so he did then there was the boy and the girl with red hair. and the little boy had the airplane.
one day, he found her on the screen again, looked like she was waiting for someone. then good looking guy arrived and kissed her then picked up the little boy. Mark was so shocked.at that night, his co-worker Leon0 told him to come out at night,then they went out for a club. when he ordered drink, he saw a girl with red hair.it was the girl! then she said the boy was her sister's and he figured the good looking guy was hers too. at the end of the story the girl with red hair was looking at him with her beautiful green eyes.

[227 words]

Christine Lindop, (2009), The girl with red hair, Oxford University Press

BR12:The FIfteenth Character

Sally is a student and just started to working at Happy Hills. every morning her boss Mr.Perry puts a list of jobs for Today. the Sally's job in that day was wearing costume. she wasn't happy about that. but that day, her favorite singer came to Happy Hills. she wanted to talk to him, but she needed to work, so she couldn't. he showed the CD in front of everyone, and says 'this is the new song just recorded! please come to my big concert next saturday.' and after he had fun at the Happy Hills he shouted 'where is my CD!!!' everyone looked around, but no one could find it. then Sally looked up the list of jobs for today. then she found out there are 14 characters on the list, but there are 15 characters here! then people around her took off the 15ths character's head. that was a woman, and she had the singers CD. afew weeks later, Sally is at the singers concert and there was a special invitation in her hand.

[177 words]

Rosemary border, (2000), The Fifteenth Character, Oxford: Oxford University Press

BR11: Vampire Killer

There is a guy named Colin. Colin is almost broke. and trys to find job, but there is no job. then he find the notice it says 'Do you need job? must be strong, fast and brave.' then he called the number then a guy answered. he tells Colin to come to his place. he asked Colin some questions. the the guy told him to be a Vampire Killer.
Colin was not believe in Vanpire, but alots of things happened. and he met a attractive woman named Claudia and we was also hired. once he asked her out, then she told him that she can only see him at night. one day, the guy hired him told them to go to apartment the vampire lives. at night Colin and Cloudia went to the room, then she turn to the vampire! and she tried to take him blood!!! but then the sun rised. then she escaped from the room. the next day, Colin was home all day. but he could not keep thinking about her. at the end of the story, he figured that he fell in love with her.
It was a hollor story but i also see that this could be a sad love story. Claudia will never love him back, because she is a Vampire. this is so sad.

[221 words]

Parker Andy, (2000), Vampire Killer, Oxford: Oxford University Press