
Essay 1-01c:voice messages to my host family

This is my message to my host family.

Thank you for listening to my message. If you have any question, please ask me! Or give me a comment, if you liked it!


using computer

I was not really good computers a few years ago. I was not good at all kind of electricity eigher. But since I started to work at Yamada-denki, i needed to study, because what i need to do is explane and sell. before i entered college, I worked for some company and sell some cameras and printers. It was neccesary to learn how to use computers to explain about electricities. now I love using computers, I can see many beautiful picutures, many infomation through internet. now I can not live with out computers!

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now i am at the 14th with hiromi

i am at the 14th building at KGU. me and hiromi are doing some stuff we need to finish. we have so many papers to finish, and i only finished one of them, i have 2 more to do. anyways, i have been relaxing lately. last weekend, i went out for swim and exercise, i have not exercise at all lately and i need to lose some of my weight. and i cleaned my room. i vacumed all over my room. today, i had 1-5period. but i kinda like school lately. because of my friends around me. they all are too nice. i love them so much. they are the only reason i go school everyday. i had so much fun with my girls too. tomorrow, i am gonna see my best girl Yasuko, we have not seen each other for awhile, so i am really excited to see her and tell many stuff:D! and on thursday, me and hiromi are going to go to karaoke! so excited yay!!!<3

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BR-13:King Arthur

story of the year 650 in England. I had heard of his name, King Arthur, but i did not know him well. Arthur was a nomal boy. but the king Merlin had a dream of Arthur. and he was so sure that the next king is Arthur! he was justa a boy then, but Arthur became a king. after he became a king, he often hear Merlin who is died. Merlin tought him everyday and after four years, Arthur got stronger. he met Guinevere after afew years, then he decided to marry her. he got beautiful wife and best friends, it seemed like happy ending, but it was not. Lancelot tried to take Arthur's place. while Arthur was gone, he actually did take his place. but Arthur backed and tried to take his place and his wife back. but Lancelot killed him. then his knight backed, and killed Lancelot. i am not really good at history, but it was really fun to read this story. and i want to know what happened after the kind Arthur died.

Hardy-Gould, J. (2001). King Arthur. Oxford: Oxford University Express

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