
about blogging

I have made blog a few times before, my friend asked me to do it together. But every time we made blog, it did not last well. Because I am too lazy to keep posting something on blog. But now, i do post something on my blog often. The blog is for my English writing class. When I made the blog, I posted because I need to. But now i kind of like posting something on my blog. I also like to see my friend's blog too. They all in English, so it is good practice to read in English. And I can get to know about my friend as well!

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WC! aaaand papers!

good morning, it is 9:30 am. I am taking writing class right now. sleepy as hell. Yumie is right next to me. and she just told me that she does not know Yuttie!!! and she was late for class, she told me that because of the bus time. but i dont think so. she is crazy!!! I've finished 2 papers I need to finish. I have 3 more to do! I am in the hell... But today i will see my best girl Yasuko. and gonna pick some stuff in downtown. I have not seen her for awhile, so i am excited though. lately i am crazy about world cup. i am not really expecting team Japan to win, but i'd say they are doing alright. i watch pretty much every games. so i have not really slept enough...team korea did really great last night. I am guessing team Korea will be in like best 8. and team Argentine will win a victory!

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