
BR3: Secret Agency

Trent was being trained as a secret agency. Dr. Holland told him ' you are now ready to working for me as a secret agent.' and she handed him a bag which has all the secret agency stuff in it such as trackers and smoke balls. then suddenly, there were blast. trent dove under the desk. after it went quiet, he realized that Dr. Holland was gone. he grabbed the bag and went outside. then he saw Dr. Holland were pushed by guys in to a car. trent ran towards the car. he threw the tracked to the car so he could follow it. he used loads of stuff in the bag. the finally found the old warehouse. he was Dr. Holland tied to a chair. trent threw the smoke balls in to the warehouse. then trent went inside of the smoke with mask. and then helped The Dr. Holland out from there.

Reilly Carmel, (2007) Mercury and the woodcutter, Thomson Learning Australia

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Typing homework final 5 things i hate


when i went to Barlcelona Spain, i had really great time. after a while, i was at the station on the elebator. then 3 guys came from in front of me, walking on the elevator backwards... then they stopped right next to me and suddenly started to push me back and forth. i thought they were trying to rob me so i held my bad really tight. while i was doing that, actually there were other 3guys came from my back and took my wallet from my bag. as soon as they took it and left, i knew my wallet was gone. i was so upset and did not know what to do. i had 600 euros, 80 pound and credit cards in my wallet. then a boy walked to me and said something in spanish it looked like he was saying that 'it was right there' and gave me my wallet back. there was no cash left but fortunately, they did not take my cards that is why i could survive.


i do not eat that much, especially something really sweet! But my family loves chocolates! but i do not really like chocolates, because after i have some it makes me sick. but when i was in america, my host family liked it so much and had some after every dinner. so i got used to it, and i started to like it. thats why i gained 10kg in 10 months. after i got back from america, i lost 10kg doing nothing, just did not eat much chocolate as i used to. also, i do not like eggplant, usually i eat anything but i can not like eggplant. i can not really like that texture...also i do not really like Oden. especially radish. my family loves it so much so we often have oden and there are always some radish in it. so when we have oden for dinner i do not really have anything for dinner. other than that, i can pretty much eat anything.


i have been always hated milk. But i have been needed to have some since i was in kindergarden. When we had kyushoku, we gave teachers milk ticket, so we can have milk. But i never wanted to have one, so i did not drink it and took it home all the time. So my mom talked to my teacher so i did not have to have one. Then i went to elementary school, and i needed to have one every lunch time. I hated that system. So when the teacher was not there i gave it to my friend. I wanted to have water instead, but the teacher did not let me have water instead. So now i have not had milk since i graduated from high school, so it is more than 5 years. Maybe if i try it now i might like it. But i am kind of scared of trying it.


i like food. and i like to eat. but the food i do not like is eggplant. i do not really like the texture of it. and i think it tastes really bad. i also do not like milk. since i was little i always refused to drink milk. in kindergarden i needed to have some milk, but i always took it home. in elementary school and junior high school, i also needed to have one because of kyushoku, but i always gave it to my classmates. i have not had milk for about 10 years. now i kind of forgot how does it taste like. but i do not want to try it ever again... also i do not really like sugary things such as chocolates, candies. i like salty stuff such as potato chips, senbei, squid. i also like sticky stuff such as natto, seaweeds, okra. they all are good for my health!

(hate) seasons

the season i do not really like is winter. winter is the only season i do not like. that all because of the coldness. i hate being cold so much. lately it started getting cold, i do not want to go outside and do not want to do anything. it makes me want to stay home, do not even want to get out from the bed. when i went to liverpool, it was like being in the hell having winter time. but the university was 30 mins walk away from where i lived, also i often visited my boyfriend so i needed to walk around in the cold. but besides that, liverpool was so nice. i like being in Kumamoto because most of the time, Kumamoto is warm and nice. where ever i live in the future it should be warm and nice all the time! maybe Hawaii or Bali?


Barcelona from speaking class!

Barcelona is in eastern Spain, the population there is about 1,621,537. I have been there once. People there are really nice there, and i felt like i was in Japan besides apart from they do not speak Japanese. there are lots of buildings built by Gaudi such as Sagrada familia, Casa Mila, Guel park. they all are amazingly artistic. especially the park is unique and unfamiliar in a good way. but i had an experience got robbed by spanish teenagers. they pushed me from many directions on the long elevator. and took my wallet from my bag, then took all the cashes. i felt so numb at the time. but then a guy walked up to me and handed me my empty wallet. i only stayed there for a few days, but i saw loads people who were robbed. But i had a great time there. food was great, i loved every food i had there. i hope to go back there sometimes.

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MR-3: Kung Fu Panda

Po had a dream of being a Kung Fu master and saving China from evil. When he woke from his dream, he was at his house and heard his father saying telling him to wake up and he was so disappointed by his reality. But he could not tell his father. But once he was chosen to be the dragon master by chance, he started training in Kung Fu. He met his idols there, but they did not like him at the beginning because of his lazy attitude. Even his master Shifu did not like him. And they tried to get rid of him, but he did not give up. Then the master realized his passion for food could motivate him to do strict training. That’s how the master trained Po.
While he was training, the five were trying to defeat Tai Lung who was Shifu’s first student. Shifu loved Tai Lung like a son but he was greedy and violent, so had to be imprisoned. The five failed to defeat Tai Lung, and he continued making his way to the temple to find the dragon scroll. When Po finished training, Shifu gave him the dragon scroll which held the secret of Kung Fu, which Tai Lung wanted to have for a long time. But it was blank inside. Po did not get it at first. But once he heard his father explain about his secret ingredient, he realized what it meant. It meant there was no secret ingredient to be a Kung Fu master. One should just be oneself. 
After he figured it out, he easily beat Tai Lung because he knew what he needed to be good at Kung Fu! When Po saw his father again, he thought it would be difficult to explain that he didn’t like making noodles, but actually his father was happy that Po had found something he really loves, and he told Po he didn’t have to make noodles any more. That is my favorite part of Kung Fu Panda!

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Tom from speaking class!

this is Tom. he is an american. he works at the post office. He has got a rounded face and he is wearing a suit with stripe tie. he likes pizza and burgers. he often watches baseball games with me.
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