

Everybody love christmas. christmas is the most exciting event of the year. Every December around the 25ths, everybody start to being excited. everybody love christmas. even if you are not christian. why people love christmas so much?
one of big reason of why everybody love christmas is Santa Claus. Every children love Santa Claus. many perents say that to kids 'Santa wil bring presents for only good kids'. then children try to be good. that is big reason why perents love christmas.
the other reason is the party tradition. usually most family get back together during the christmas if you do not live with them. anytime it is great to see your family and have dinner together. Christmas is also romantic for couples. if you have girl friend or boyfriend, usually they spend time together in Japan.
 and also my birthday is also on 24ths. so it is really great to spend 24-25ths night with my family and my friends.

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