
BR10: Marty and the magazine

Joe and Marty were best friends since they were little. one of their habit was that hang out at the Mr. Mancini's music shop every friday. one friday he saw Marty taking a magazine into his jacket. Marty was really shocked and couldnt believe what he just saw while Mr. Mancini was talking to his customer. Joe showed him the magazine and he talked about it like nothing wrong with stealing it. then his mother walked by, and she asked him about the magazine. so he lied about it by saying its Marty's. Marty told Joe that he will keep it for a while and went to the music shop and put it back on the shelf. after that he did not want to talk to Joe for a while.

[136 words]

Karen Oppatt, (2007), Marty and the magazine, Thomson Learning Australia

BR9: Drive into Danger

Kim works at the Mark Mile's. Mr.Mark suddenly asked her if she can drive to Nyon with his son who speaks French. It was because of one of his employee was injured. she took her passport and stopped at the some places she was told to stop at. when they stopped at Dover, Andy realized the truck was losing oil somehow. so they looked at the under the truck then they found a wooden box.
when they were having coffee in the cafe, they saw a guy in yellow shirt looking under the truck. but actually, Andy took the parcel when he found them. there were small white paper bags inside. and the guy was following them. they found a rubbish dump and threw the parcel into it. Andy phoned french police in french and fought the guy until the police got there.
after that, Andy and Kim arrived Lyon safely and people kept asking why they took for so long!

[163 words]

Rosemary border, (2000), Drive into Danger, Oxford bookworms starters


brave heart!

This story is about a Scottish man called William Wallace who loved his country so much. At the beginning, his father was killed by English soldiers in battle. His uncle took care of him and taught him languages and world cultures. He came back to Scotland to raise a family but Scotland was currently occupied by English invaders. He fell in love with his childhood friend. Then they got married secretly to avoid ‘prima nocta’ which gives a lord sexual rights to any man’s wife. But after a fight between William and English soldiers, she was killed to bait him. 
After it happened he started to fight to free his country. He killed all the English soldiers in his town and gradually gained support from other communities in Scotland. The English king was busy in France and left the problem to his son. Wallace gained so much support that, using clever tactics, he was able to beat the English army and invade England. The French princess was married to the English prince, and was sent to make a deal with Wallace. She was attracted to his strength and bravery and pure intentions to free his country, and supported him secretly.
In the next battle against the English, Irish conscripts betrayed them and joined the Scots, but the Scottish lords were bribed by the English king, and betrayed Wallace. He was almost captured by the English but escaped during the battle, and continued the rebellion in Scotland. He killed the Scottish lords who betrayed him, but the remaining lords asked to make a deal with him. He was so desperate to unite Scotland against England that he fell for the trap, and was finally captured.
He was hung, drawn and quartered as he wouldn’t confess to doing anything wrong. Scottish lord Robert the Bruce united Scotland after Wallace’s death, and Scotland won its independence from England.

[315 words]


Romeo and Juliet Movie review

I really liked this movie. The cinematography, lighting, setting, the color contrast as well as the cast are all perfect for this movie. I think the casting is especially very good. Leonard Dicaprio matches to the look of 'a boy who believes love is difficult and complicated'. Also Claire Danes gives us the exact image of ‘the innocent girl who does not know love’.

The movie is Shakespeare of and for our time, which is faithful to the original ‘Romeo and Juliet’ but also a completely new work of art that has not lost the concept of the story. The original version is a tragic love story but this film is not only that, but also a comedy and a human drama. In the movie, there are loads of common scenes with the original.

Many scenes are almost identical to the original play, especially the balcony scene, even though the settings were quite different. Romeo is part of a gang, and there are gun fights throughout the movie. What surprised me was that at the end of the movie, Juliet found Romeo dead and then shot herself, instead of stabbing herself with a knife to commit suicide. I found this difference interesting. Guns were used as a modern day version of swords, unlike the original Shakespeare play.

The lead actor, Leonard Dicaprio, gives an acting performance which is amazing. He was young and fresh, and also a powerful presence. Claire Danes, the heroine, has a power of expression which reaches out from the screen. Their beauty is the aspect of this movie that I always remember. The look of Leonard DiCarpio is the best of all of his movies. I think it is worth watching it just to see Leonardo and Claire’s youth.

Also, all the dialogue is taken exactly from Shakespeare. So it sounded passionate and from the heart and I found it powerfully romantic. Sometimes they used some words I have never heard of or people really do not use them anymore. Somehow, the combination of literary dialogue and modern background perfectly matched. That is also one of the great charms of this movie. The modern visuals combined with the Shakespearian script make a very convincing and fun experience, that can be enjoyed by a modern audience but show the values of the past.

[394 words]


The news i found!

Northeast Nigeria militant attacks kill at least 65

KANO, Nigeria (Reuters)- At least 65 people were killed in the northeast Nigerian city of Damaturu, an aid agency said Saturday, after Islamist insurgents bombed churches, mosques and police stations and fought hours of gun battles with police.
The Boko Haram militant sect claimed responsibility for the attacks, one of the worst days of violence since it launched its insurgency two years ago in what it says is a campaign to impose Islamic law in Africa’s most populous country.
Witnesses said dozens of bodies were piled up in morgues in the city, which was all but deserted Saturday after Friday’s raids.
‘This place was like a war zone last night. There is no single policeman on the street now. The attacks destroyed mosques and churches, I have seen many injured persons in the hospital,” said local Damaturu artisan Benard Ogbeifun.
“There were dozens of dead bodies, and no vehicles on the road. I’m staying in my shop and praying.”
In an interview with the Abuja-based Dairy Trust, Boko Haram’s spokesman Abu Qaqa claimed “more attacks are on the way” the paper reported in its Saturday online edition.

i heard some of the people who got killed were on their wedding...I do not understand why could not they solve these problems by themself...!

[222 words]


BR8:Sally's Phone

Sally is always on her phone since she started dating Andrew. In the morning, Andrew called as always and told her to come out for dinner with his new boss, with wearing his favorite blue skirt. Blue was not really her favorite color but she said ok. But she figured it out that she can not really wear the skirt because it was dirty. She went to her work and talking to her friends about her boyfriend. They suggested her to get a new skirt. They went out for shopping and they found a perfect red skirt. ‘but Andrew does not like red…’ Sally said. Then her friends said ‘just forget him, wear whatever you want to wear!’ Sally agreed. She went for lunch by herself on that day. Then a guy, Paul accidently knocked off her bag that her phone in it. ‘Sorry.’ Paul said and picked it up quickly. Then Andrew called to sally’s phone. Then Paul picked the phone call and said ‘this is Paul’. Paul realized he has Sally’s phone. So he called her and they decided to meet up in the city. When they met up, they both liked each other from first impression. He asked her if she would like to go to his sister’s birthday party. At the end of this story she turned off her phone and smiled at Paul and walked off with him.

[233 words]

Lindop Christine, (2003), Oxford bookworms starters

BR7: Taking off

Anna was on her new skateboard bought by their parent and her. then her friends showed up, one of them, Tom really wanted to have a ride. he raced off down without anna's promission. anna took her friend's board and raced him. anna could see tom up ahead. there was a bump ahead tom. Anna shouted. 'Look out!' it was too late then. Tom went over the bump and fell off. and anna's board's some paint came off. tom appologied. and he told he had been wanting get one, but his family is not that rich. anna suggested to him to work and get a new board so they both can go for ride soon at the end.
i think anna is really nice. she never got mad at him. even though her board was kind of broken because of him. she was kind of sorry for him not having his own board. i hope he got a job after and got her board fixed somehow.

Carmel Reilly, (2007), Taking off, Thomson Learning Australia

[170 words]


News I found!

FIFA asked N.Korea to admit more visitors

Soccer’s world organizing body (FIFA) has written to North Korean soccer officials asking them to relax the limit on the number of Japanese media it has allowed to cover the national teams world cup qualifier against North Korea in Pyongyang on Nov.15, the Japan Football Association said.
The JFA on Saturday quoted the written request from the world soccer’s governing body as saying that the third round of world cup qualifiers is important and a game between the two countries that played at the 2010 World Cup was bound to generate a lot of media interest.
The request also said FIFA appealed to the North Korean soccer association to take extra measures for media covering national team games regularly, and hopes those measures match FIFA’s standards.
JFA general secretary Kozo Tadashima last week said North Korea was only allowing less than half the number of Japanese journalists the association had requested.
The Japanese government is allowing supporters of the national team, along with accompanying press to visit Pyongyang to watch the match, an exceptional measure being taken by Japan, which has asked its nationals to refrain from visiting North Korea as part of sanctions imposed following North Korea’s missile launch in July 2006.

The Daily Yomiuri November 7, 2011(front page)

I watched the actual game on TV. I was so surprised to see all the north korean supporters. They were too organized. also i thought the Japanese people who went to the studium are crazy too. they all came back ok, but obviously it it not really safe there wearing Japanese team costume. I guess it was good to lost that game to save these people's lives.

[300 words]

BR6: Renovations

Jack was the only one who knows about the magic lamp and a genie. Gemini gave him a wish a day. but since the Gemini was really lazy, Jacks wishes never came true.
One night, he heard a noise from the lamp. so Jack rubbed the lamp. he wanted to ask what was going on with Gemini. then the grumpy Gemini showed up and told him he is renovating. Jack asked him to keep the noise down, because his mother is in downstairs. he said he does not care. 'only the owner of the lamp can see me.' he said.
in the morning, his mother asked him about the noise. but she found full of bricks and the room covered of dust. he just said he is interested in building stuff lately. right after his mother left his room, he rubbed the lamp and told Gemini not to mess his room. but he did not care at all. Jack wanted to Gemini to finish renovating. so he decided to wish for Gemini. after he wished for him, Gemini was so happy. it was his first time to see gemini so happy. then Gemini said 'so what do you want in return...?' Jack said 'stop being grumpy!' then Gemini said 'I am never grumpy' grumpily and left.

Carmel Reilly, (2007), Renovations, Thomson Learning Australia

[216 words]

BR5 : The Chalk Circle

At the lunch time, Amy left her mp3 player which she got for her birthday on the bench. Amy looked everywhere, but she could not find one. but on the way home, she saw Zae holding her mp3 player. she shouted at her 'hey! it is my mp3 player!' then the officer Day walked past. after she figured what was happening, she suggested them to get into the circle she drew by big chalk. then told them to pull the earphone as hard as they can. then the one pull the player out of the circle, the person can keep the mp3 player. but Amy worried about breaking it half, so she told Zoe to keep the player. then the officer said 'Amy can keep the player'. Zoe asked for reason. because Amy cares about the player more answered the officer. at the end of the story, Zoe told Amy that she is sorry.
i did not enjoy this story that much. i think Zoe could still care about the player. i wonder why did not the officer call their parents about the mp3 player. so Zoe's parents would have known what she has done.

Nicolas Brasch, (2007), The Chalk Circle, Thomson Learning Australia

[196 words]

my first class at the uni!

a few days ago, i had a class for イギリス事情. i took that class when i was in 2nd year. but this time, i was not a student there. i was asked to teach in that class by yoshida. he told me many students from that class are interested in England so he wants me to talk about england for 90 mins. i was not really sure that if i could talk about england for 90 mins. but since alex was here then, i thought it would make it easier. so i took alex there. and first 60 mins, i talked about my university life in england. especially everyone were interested in food. so i told them food there are really bad. i showed them many picture i took in england. since i had traveled around so many places in england, i had so many pictures. my favorite place i visited in england was York. i still remember i saw the most beautiful sun set ever there. i wish i can go back there someday. i also talked about cultural differences. i often feel cultural differences between me and alex, but i kind of enjoy it now. i used to feel bad when ever i find some kind of cultural differences, but i realized that i could actually enjoy it.
and after the class a lot of students came and asked me many questions about england and me and alex. it was really nice to talk to 1st year students. they told me that they actually want to hang out with exchange students more, but they feel awkward. so i invited them to the lounge this wednesday. i hope they will get comfortable there!

[283 words]

Tribute for YUKI

Hello everyone. Do you know the singer known as YUKI? She was in a popular band called ‘Judy and Mary’. Since the band broke up in 2011, she became a solo artist. I have been a big fan of her for more than 10 years. Today, I would like to talk about her life, her music, and why I think she is so great.
YUKI was born in Hokkaido. After she graduated from short term university, she started working as a tour guide. She met a guitarist, Kaito Onda, who changed her life completely. With his musical talent and YUKI’s unique style, they became really popular so quickly. They were one of the biggest bands in Japan in the 90’s. What I like about her is not just her unique style. When she was working as a tour guide, she had a nasty boss who did not treat her well. When she quit the job to be a singer, the boss laughed at her and told her ‘you can never be a singer. You are a normal person.’ Then Yuki replied ‘No, I will be a singer. In 5 years, I will be on TV shows everywhere and will be one of the most popular singers in Japan.’ 5 years later, true to her word she was actually on TV shows and became one of the most popular singers in Japan.
Her musical style is totally different from others. YUKI has a childlike voice. But her music has huge messages behind them. Sometimes it is about animal nature, human society and life. I really like the quirky style. Her songs are made of a mixture of innocence and maturity. Her music gave me power so many times when I was feeling down.
In 2005, her one year and 11 month old son died of an unknown illness. The night before her son died, she said good night and left him on the bed. In the morning she found him cold. She wrote a song for him called ‘long dream’. After that happened, her musical style changed completely. It was slow and sad. But after awhile, her smile and unique styled music came back.
I recently went to see YUKI performing live, and the experience is something I will never forget. At the end of performance, she stood on the center of the stage and said ‘Thank you for coming and being part of the stage tonight’ without microphone. That’s how she shows her appreciation for her fans.
She taught me a lot of stuff through her music. She also gave me the power when I needed it, and her songs taught me many things I needed for life. As I’ve been a huge fan of her, she is my hero and she always will be in my whole life.

[476 words]

MR-4: Camp rock

The story is about the main character, Mitchie Torres, who wants to be a singer and goes to a music camp for rich kids. Her family was not rich, but her mother managed to get a job as a caterer there so she was able to attend the camp. Then she made some friends and met famous singers.
I have watched this movie over 5 times with my American host family in America. My host sisters were huge fans of the Jonas brothers. I did not enjoy this movie that much. I think it’s a bad version of ‘High school musical’. The plot was awful. I could always guess what was going to happen next.
Since it was a music camp for rich kids, apparently, she lied about her family because of her pride. She wanted to get in to the group. It is too obvious that someone will discover the truth somehow. Her mother worked at the kitchen in the camp, so she also needed to help her. She needed to make more lies to make it sound real. I could not understand why would she lie about her family if she is proud of her family? Because of that part, I could not like Mitchie for rest of this movie.
Also the mean girl Tess suddenly turned into a sweet girl at the end for some reason. It just did not make sense. The characters were so stereotypical and I could not believe they were real people.
If I was the director of this movie, I would definately change the plot. I would not let Mitchie lie about her financial situation. I would also have more scenes to show how Tess had changed and why she became such a better person at the end. I also found the actress who played Mitchie to be bad for the part and not a very good singer, even though she was supposed to be the best singer in the camp. All the other people at the camp had been trained and had rich or famous families, but it didn't really seem to make sense. Why go to a camp for this kind of event? I think the camp and musical themes were popular at the time and that is why this film exists.

[384 words]


BR4: Mercury and the woodcutter

One day, a woodcutter was cutting wood in the forest.after he did some works, he decided to rest by the riverbank. suddenly, the axe slipped. the woodcutter tried to save it, but he could not. the axe fell in to the water with the splash. he got the axe from father and he loved it. suddenly he heard a voice from nowhere. then th river god marcury showed up. marcury smiled at him and told him that he could get it for him. then he brought a golden axe and asked him if its his. the woodcutter said its not his. the marcury came back with a siiver axe and asked him same question. the woodcutter said its not his. then for the third time, marcury came back with his axe. marcury was impressed by his honesty. so he gave him all the axes.

at the end of story, the woodcutter's friend tried same thing as him. but he said its his when mercury asked him if its his with a golden axe. the marcury got really upset and he did not give him his own axe.

i like this story because it gives us lots of lessons. my mother used to read it as a bed time story. this is my childhood. these lessons gave me ideas of being honest and its still in my soul.

Carmel Reilly, (2007), Mercury and the woodcutter, Thomson Learning Australia

[229 words]


BR3: Secret Agency

Trent was being trained as a secret agency. Dr. Holland told him ' you are now ready to working for me as a secret agent.' and she handed him a bag which has all the secret agency stuff in it such as trackers and smoke balls. then suddenly, there were blast. trent dove under the desk. after it went quiet, he realized that Dr. Holland was gone. he grabbed the bag and went outside. then he saw Dr. Holland were pushed by guys in to a car. trent ran towards the car. he threw the tracked to the car so he could follow it. he used loads of stuff in the bag. the finally found the old warehouse. he was Dr. Holland tied to a chair. trent threw the smoke balls in to the warehouse. then trent went inside of the smoke with mask. and then helped The Dr. Holland out from there.

Reilly Carmel, (2007) Mercury and the woodcutter, Thomson Learning Australia

[152 words]


Typing homework final 5 things i hate


when i went to Barlcelona Spain, i had really great time. after a while, i was at the station on the elebator. then 3 guys came from in front of me, walking on the elevator backwards... then they stopped right next to me and suddenly started to push me back and forth. i thought they were trying to rob me so i held my bad really tight. while i was doing that, actually there were other 3guys came from my back and took my wallet from my bag. as soon as they took it and left, i knew my wallet was gone. i was so upset and did not know what to do. i had 600 euros, 80 pound and credit cards in my wallet. then a boy walked to me and said something in spanish it looked like he was saying that 'it was right there' and gave me my wallet back. there was no cash left but fortunately, they did not take my cards that is why i could survive.


i do not eat that much, especially something really sweet! But my family loves chocolates! but i do not really like chocolates, because after i have some it makes me sick. but when i was in america, my host family liked it so much and had some after every dinner. so i got used to it, and i started to like it. thats why i gained 10kg in 10 months. after i got back from america, i lost 10kg doing nothing, just did not eat much chocolate as i used to. also, i do not like eggplant, usually i eat anything but i can not like eggplant. i can not really like that texture...also i do not really like Oden. especially radish. my family loves it so much so we often have oden and there are always some radish in it. so when we have oden for dinner i do not really have anything for dinner. other than that, i can pretty much eat anything.


i have been always hated milk. But i have been needed to have some since i was in kindergarden. When we had kyushoku, we gave teachers milk ticket, so we can have milk. But i never wanted to have one, so i did not drink it and took it home all the time. So my mom talked to my teacher so i did not have to have one. Then i went to elementary school, and i needed to have one every lunch time. I hated that system. So when the teacher was not there i gave it to my friend. I wanted to have water instead, but the teacher did not let me have water instead. So now i have not had milk since i graduated from high school, so it is more than 5 years. Maybe if i try it now i might like it. But i am kind of scared of trying it.


i like food. and i like to eat. but the food i do not like is eggplant. i do not really like the texture of it. and i think it tastes really bad. i also do not like milk. since i was little i always refused to drink milk. in kindergarden i needed to have some milk, but i always took it home. in elementary school and junior high school, i also needed to have one because of kyushoku, but i always gave it to my classmates. i have not had milk for about 10 years. now i kind of forgot how does it taste like. but i do not want to try it ever again... also i do not really like sugary things such as chocolates, candies. i like salty stuff such as potato chips, senbei, squid. i also like sticky stuff such as natto, seaweeds, okra. they all are good for my health!

(hate) seasons

the season i do not really like is winter. winter is the only season i do not like. that all because of the coldness. i hate being cold so much. lately it started getting cold, i do not want to go outside and do not want to do anything. it makes me want to stay home, do not even want to get out from the bed. when i went to liverpool, it was like being in the hell having winter time. but the university was 30 mins walk away from where i lived, also i often visited my boyfriend so i needed to walk around in the cold. but besides that, liverpool was so nice. i like being in Kumamoto because most of the time, Kumamoto is warm and nice. where ever i live in the future it should be warm and nice all the time! maybe Hawaii or Bali?


Barcelona from speaking class!

Barcelona is in eastern Spain, the population there is about 1,621,537. I have been there once. People there are really nice there, and i felt like i was in Japan besides apart from they do not speak Japanese. there are lots of buildings built by Gaudi such as Sagrada familia, Casa Mila, Guel park. they all are amazingly artistic. especially the park is unique and unfamiliar in a good way. but i had an experience got robbed by spanish teenagers. they pushed me from many directions on the long elevator. and took my wallet from my bag, then took all the cashes. i felt so numb at the time. but then a guy walked up to me and handed me my empty wallet. i only stayed there for a few days, but i saw loads people who were robbed. But i had a great time there. food was great, i loved every food i had there. i hope to go back there sometimes.

[165 words]

MR-3: Kung Fu Panda

Po had a dream of being a Kung Fu master and saving China from evil. When he woke from his dream, he was at his house and heard his father saying telling him to wake up and he was so disappointed by his reality. But he could not tell his father. But once he was chosen to be the dragon master by chance, he started training in Kung Fu. He met his idols there, but they did not like him at the beginning because of his lazy attitude. Even his master Shifu did not like him. And they tried to get rid of him, but he did not give up. Then the master realized his passion for food could motivate him to do strict training. That’s how the master trained Po.
While he was training, the five were trying to defeat Tai Lung who was Shifu’s first student. Shifu loved Tai Lung like a son but he was greedy and violent, so had to be imprisoned. The five failed to defeat Tai Lung, and he continued making his way to the temple to find the dragon scroll. When Po finished training, Shifu gave him the dragon scroll which held the secret of Kung Fu, which Tai Lung wanted to have for a long time. But it was blank inside. Po did not get it at first. But once he heard his father explain about his secret ingredient, he realized what it meant. It meant there was no secret ingredient to be a Kung Fu master. One should just be oneself. 
After he figured it out, he easily beat Tai Lung because he knew what he needed to be good at Kung Fu! When Po saw his father again, he thought it would be difficult to explain that he didn’t like making noodles, but actually his father was happy that Po had found something he really loves, and he told Po he didn’t have to make noodles any more. That is my favorite part of Kung Fu Panda!

[341 words]

Tom from speaking class!

this is Tom. he is an american. he works at the post office. He has got a rounded face and he is wearing a suit with stripe tie. he likes pizza and burgers. he often watches baseball games with me.
[40 words]


BR2:Stories of knights(The tale of the kitcen night)

one day, a boy visited king arthur and asked him if he can stay there for a year. he looked poor, but he has got nice hands and beasutiful skin. the kind let him stay. he started to working there as a kitchen boy. everyone called him 'pretty hands he was a hard worker. he never complained and did everything. when he had been there almost a year, a lady linnet who is really rude came to the castle. said ' get me a knight, i need to help my sister Lyonesse captured by red knight!' then pretty hands raised his hand. pretty hands started to learn fighting with sir lancelot. then he told lancelot about himself. his name was gareth and he was sir gawain's brother. when gareth looked at lady lyoness from the ground, he fell in love and promised her to set her free. he rode up to the castle and fought the red knight for hours and finally he won. left the red knight on the ground and unlocked lady lyonesse. then he asked her to marry him. when he went back to camelot, he was welcome to sit next to his brother.

[197 words]
Bingham Jane, (2006), Stories of nights, Usborne

BR1:Stories of nights(Sir Gawain and the green knight)

one new year's eve, the green knight showed up at the feast held by king Arther. then suddenly said he wants to play a new year game. the game was about 'who can chop his head off'. no one really wanted to play it but Sir Gawain decided to play it. and he easily sliced off his green head. but the green knight's body was still alive , picked up his head and said 'now it's my turn. meet me at the green chapel next new year's day.'
the next winter, Sir Gawain was looking for the green chapel. somehow, he finally found the place then he met Sir bertilak and his wife. they treated him really nice. but once while Bertilak went out for hunting, his wife kissed Gawain. on the next day Bertiak's wife kissed him twice. on the third night, she kissed him three times. so he told Bertilak everything. then on the forth night, his wife gave him a magic belt. she said it could save his life from the green knight. so he kept it secret. then on the new year's day, sir gawain kneeling down. the green knight raised his massive sword, but lowered. the raised it again, then put it down. but third time, the green knight gave him really bad neck on neck. then he suddenly started shrinking. and turned into sir bertilak. said he was the green knight, and all the stuff his wife did was the test. he wanted to see how is he really like. then green knight laughed and said 'no more games!'

[270 words]
Bingham Jane, (2006), Stories of nights, Usborne


Movie review : Toy story

Toy story was my childhood. I am sure I have watched this moviemore than 100 times. Basically, Toy story is about group of toys that go on an adventure. I still remember how I was so into the story when I watched it for the first time. What I found amazing about Toy Story is every time I watched it, it was always fun. I could not stop watching it until the end, even though I had watched it so many times before. Also every time when I finished watching it, I learned something new. I still remember that I learned to appreciate all the toys I have after I watched it when I was little. The graphics are so amazing. I like the scene where the kid strapped a rocket to Buzz’s back. It seemed really realistic, and I felt like I was flying with them.

Each toy has an interesting character. They are all really cute. My favorite toy is Buzz, because I think he is a lot like me. At the beginning, he believed that he was an actual space soldier. But after he met his amazing toy friends, he realized that he was just a toy. He was disappointed by that truth, but through his toy friends, he realized how amazing it is to be a toy. I think everybody has that kind of experience. First you think you are something but actually you are not, and you are disappointed about it. And you do not even realize how great it really is. You only need a chance to realize it. You could learn it from your family or friends. For me, the chance was this movie.

This movie means a lot to me. I have watched both the second one and third Toy Story movies, and they both were pretty good. But I still prefer the first one. I would like my kids to watch this movie. Toy Story has many life lessons and is full of dreams that are both lost and also fulfilled. Buzz lost his dream of being a space ranger, but he found comfort in new friends and a new home. Woody lost the trust of the toys but in the end he learned to accept Buzz even though Buzz was very different from the others.

[387 words]


typing homework- second five favorites!

my favorite drink is tea. i love any kind of tea, but probably green tea is my favorite. when i went to france, i saw a tea shop which was over 3 or 400 years old. i went to inside, then they have got more than 300 kind of flavours of tea. it took like forvever to find my favorite one. i bought two bottle of tea. i do not really like pop, espacially coke. it tastes good, but i feel little sick after. the worst drink i have ever had is the docor pepper... i dont even understand why loads of people love it. i dont get it at all. it tastes like some kind of medicine or something... my favorite alcoholic drink is sangria. i had it in spain, it was really good and i was surprised by that was made by red wine and fruits! because i dont even like red wine! since i always drink too much, i really need to control myself. limitting for sangria sounds so hard.

it is really hard to decide what my favorite movie is. One of my favorite movie is princess mononoke. I have been watching the movie since i was a little kid. I did not understand the meaning of the movie, but still i liked it. Now, i am taking a environment class, and i watched the movie again.i have got a totally different impression from the movie. I think the movie has a huge message to tell us. What we have done to our planet. Thats what we all need to think of. Memory of geisha is my favorite as well. I am big fun of Ken Watanabe, and color contrasts are so nice and beautiful.after i watched this movie i realize how beautiful our culture is. Its just kind of shame that most of the actors are hinese, not Japanese… 143 words

-Elementary school memory
i remember that when i was on 4ths grade, my mother told me that we are getting a new house, i was so happy about it. but i did not realize that means i need to change the school. i still remember of my last day of my first school. my teacher told everyone that i am moving away, so this is our last day having me there. then one of my best friend started crying and i could not say anything. some people gave me flowers and letters. but i was not happy at all. then i went back home and saw my empty room then i felt i am really moving away. actually it was not that far from my old apartment to the new house. so once a while, i went back to my old apartment and saw some of my friends. and i really enjoyed it making new friends at my new elementary school. but i still remember how i felt when i needed to say good bye to everyone. 174 words

-Sport to watch
i do not really watch sport. but sometimes, when i have time i watch soccer. when i was in liverpool england, i went to watch a soccer game, because i heard it is famous. then i actually enjoyed it so much. so after a while, i went to manchester by myself and visited the manchester united stadium. it was huge, and i paid to see the inside of it. i could go into the players lockers and uniforms. since i went there, i started to watch soccer games. it is so exciting. but none of my girl friends watch soccer games. so i watch it by myself or some of my guy friends. it is so much fun to watch the games with drinking beer! also, i sometimes watch figure skating. first i did not like it at all, i thought it was so boring to watch, but now i really like it to watch for some reason.

my mother calls me 'a shoe freak'. i love clothes, but i love shoes more than clothes. especially boots. because of this, our genkan is totally messy. i always put my shoes away when i do not use them, but still i have got too much shoes. my mother always tells me to throw some of my shoes away, otherwise i can not get any more shoes. but i still get some, which makes her mad. since we will have winter time soon, i am going to be needing some warm shoes. maybe some boots as well. but it is so hard to find a really nice shoes for me. because i do not really like high heels, and most of the shoes has heels so it is really difficult to find one for me. i want comfortable and pretty boots for this winter!

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summer 2011!

since i need to write stuff on my blog, i am going to write about my summer. actually i had a really good summer this year.
at the beggining of july, my friend from Nagoya Moyu came to visit me for a few days. i met her in america, 4 or years ago. we both did not know anything, our language skills were really bad then i met her. we talked about own problems we had to each other. we went to NY together, i could only hang out together 3 or 4 times because we lived so far away in the U.S., but still we had a great relationship. It was her first time to visit Kyushu, so i showed her around Kumamoto. we went to Kumamoto Castle, Aso, Basashi place... we had so many stuff to talk about to catch up. we had a really great time together!
on the next day Moyu left, I went to narisa's place with my girls from eibei. every summer we often visit there, have a BBQ, dance around, watch some creepy movies which is always fun. it was the last chance to get to see Eri, Ayano, Narisa. because they all were going to study abroad as i did last year. i felt a bit sad that i can not to see them for a while, but i was happy to see them and so pround of them. now i often check my facebook to see how are they doing. it seems like they all are doing great and i think they are gonna get so much better at english by when they come back here.

then on the next day, we had a nomikai with some more eibei girls! i love my crazy eibei girls. we are all great together, we always have fun together. i am so happy to be part of it:)!

in Aug, i went to my grandparent's. i had not seen them for more than a year. so it was really nice to see them. they were doing ok, but i realised my grandparents looked so much older than before. i just feel like i need to see them more often. before i came back to Kumamoto, they told me not to go to outside of Japan anymore because its not safe... i could not promise anything:/ since they have experienced WW2, they always did not the idea me studying abroad. but they were still supportive about it. i need to appriciate it more. i love my grandparent<3

And this summer, i only could go to the beaches twice...>

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Typing homework - first 5 favorite topics

Place I have been
my favarite place i have been to is Matera. which is in Italy. people there were so nice and food was so good. but i was surprised that people did not know much english... there are loads of caves in matera and people still lives in caves there. the caves are so beautiful together. i went there with my boy friend and we stayed in the one of the caves, it looked like a cave from outside, but inside was pretty neat and warm. Matera has two different sides, one of them are the caves, and the other side of matera is the downtown which is also beautiful. it was a magical time and i have never seen such a beautiful place like Matera.

I love animals, but if i need to pick favorite one then i would say dog. I have two dogs one of them is inside dog, his name is miruku. We call him ‘miru’. He is a Maltese. I love his fluffy hair and cute eyes. Everytime i get back, he just comes sit next to me. Which is so cute. I have the other dog, his name is cookie. He is an outside dog. He is a half Siberian Husky and border collie. That is why one of his eye is blue and the other is brown. He is a really nice dog, and smart as well. I named both of them, i picked the name cookie and milk because they sounds so cute and great together, so i have been thinking of the name of our new pet which we do not know if we are going to have one of not…maybe not!

Junior high memory
in junior high school, i was in the basketball team. the team was pretty strong. so i needed to practice everyday. if i miss the practice for any reason, my teammates and the coach complained about it. so i could not really miss it. once i felt so sick so i went back to home and my mom took me to the hospital then i figured i had a flu. so i needed to take a week off. then next week when i showed up, everybody blamed on me. by saying i messed their teamwork or whatever... also the coach checked my score of every exam, and if my grade was not good enough then she told me to study while my teammates are practicing, and after they finish practicing i can start practicing for 3 hours by myself. it was a nightmare...

my favorite season is summer. i like it when its really hot and i do not really like to wear clothes much. and i really like to get tanned. every summer i go swim to the swimming pool or beaches with my friends. i love to go to summer festival and eat squid and corns! also, i like to be lazy in my room with air conditioner on, i think this is the one of the biggest joy of summer! i do not really like being cold. that is why i do now like winter that much. besides my birthday and christmas, there are pretty much nothing during winter time...

memory of high school
my favorite memory of high school was the school trip! we went to hawaii for 2 weeks. i had never been to outside of Japan with my friends then, so it was pretty exciting. even the long flight was so much fun. my high school has got a uni in honolulu, so we stayed there and took some of the classes there. it was not that hard. i did homestaying too. i stayed at a lady's house. she was alone, but she has got some grandchildren, so i had a great time with them. i hoped i could communicate with them better. and i should have asked their email address, because there is no way for me to contact them now...!

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vacation topics from typing homework!

My vacation plan
My vacation plan for rest of this summer is going to somewhere outside of Japan. I was planning to go to England, but i heard about some Japanese people(especially girls) having trouble entering the country because of the officer of border agency there. So maybe I am going to Korea with my girls. Since some of them have not visited Korea before, I think I should take them myondon. And maybe honde at night. Honde is a really cool place to visit at night, but should not go there less than 3 people... After I get back from Korea, I wanna climb Mt. Fuji which has been always my dream!

What classes I will take
From 2nd semester, I will need to take Writiing, Speaking, Reading, Listening classes from 2nd year because I was in England last year. It sucks that I need to take these classes after I studies abroad, but I will take this ositive! Like I can study basic again! Also, I will take translation class. I took that class first semester as well, I really like Johnson sensei. She is one of my favorite teacher, and because of her I am very interested in translating!

How I study during vacation
Since this summer vacation started, I have not studied much. I was going to study for TOEIC, but I was too busy working... but since i have 2 more weeks left, I will start reading English again. Otherwise i will have hard time getting back to university life! But, I have been talking to my friends in England and America. So i think it is really good to keep my English speaking skill. Also, I might going to start learning teaching as well, because I have great time teaching English to kids.

Good and bad points about summer
I love summer. It is hot. And I think it is a good thing. I do not really like wearing many clothes on, and I don’t have to wear thick and heavy clothes (I do not even want to see it). Also, I don’t want to eat much when it is really hot. So I can lose weight easily. Only thing I don’t like about summer is because I sweat easily... I do not want to wear clothes when It’s covered of my sweat... and one more thing, I need to drink all the time!

Something special I did during vacation
Actually I have not done anything special yet this summer. I was going to go to England and it was gonna be a special plan for this summer but I am not going any more... But since my grandfather is not well and I had not seen him for a year, it was great to see my grandparents who live in Kagoshima. It was really crazy to drive there. Usually it takes about 3 hours to get there but since it was rainy, the highway closed when we were on the highway. It took like 11 hours to get home from my grandparents house. I will never go there during Bon-week. But Still, it was really special to see my grandparents!

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